Ingredients for a Fresh Brand

The essence of effective brand marketing is about Simplicity. Let’s strip away the fancy marketing talk, the dog and ponies, and the overwhelming pressure to digest the fire hose of information coming at us– constantly. Branding made simple is a noble cause and truly a breath of fresh air.

In simple terms the cycle of influence is about building a relationship, understanding behavior and inspiring loyalty. Brands long to create engagement and life-long loyalty with their clients and customers. Does your marketing revolve around your brand? There are three ingredients in making a brand fresh and sustainable. They’re powerful drivers for developing your brand marketing ecosystem. A fresh brand is– Personal, Integrated and Engaging.

It’s as simple as P.I.E.


Customers and prospects expect you to make the effort to understand them. They want custom pie baked their way. With the toppings they like and sprinkles of their choice. To be eaten in their own sweet time. In other words; every touch point with your customers and prospects need to be crafted with an understanding of exactly what they want, why they want it and when. The benefits they derive from their brand experience need to be accessible, flexible and relevant to their needs.


Consistency is the ingredient that binds together the medium and the message. Content creation requires  an understanding of the limitations and advantages of the mediums. Brand consumers have many choices about the way in which they consume their information. With a variety of devices, digital, print and event, Brands must be flexible with their channels and meshed media– open for business anytime and anywhere.


A relevant Big Idea can help create a platform on which you can offer interactive opportunities and invitations for consumers to co-create your brand. Inspiring user participation with your brand is the ultimate compliment. Every brand encounter is based on your understanding and promise to fulfill your customers needs or engage a prospect’s curiosity. Brands must be successful at engaging web visitors with rich media, fresh content and calls-to-action. A measure of satisfaction is based upon duration of stay and engagement. When it comes to engagement, content is still king.