HP Shopping ChannelDigital Promotions

HP Shopping Channel

HP Shopping.comBanner Campaigns & Digital Promotions

HP Shopping.com

HP Shopping.comBanner Advertising

HP Shopping.com

MacrovisioneNews Promotions & Landing Page


HP eServiceseNews, Advertising, Direct Mail, & Sweepstakes

HP eServices

HP SMBDirect Mail & Sweepstakes Landing Page


Southern LumberBuilder’s Club, Landing Page, eNews & Southern Lumber News

Southern Lumber

The practices of digital marketing are changing and thriving everyday.

Digital Marketing is an exciting and powerful platform.

It’s become a major component and consideration for brand integration

due to the many forms pixels can take.

Scroll down to learn more about the portfolio samples shown in this section–



Digital Promotions
Audience: Computer and peripherals consumers
About: A consumer website like HPShopping.com requires ongoing value proof points and aggressive promotional activity. This takes many forms and formats. Shown are digital postcards and “hero blocks” on the website. These promotions were posted on a weekly schedule for refresh and coordinated with corresponding value and sales promotions. Promotional performance was measured and reviewed weekly and were found to meet and exceed sales goals.


Banner Campaign and Digital Promotions
Audience: Computers and peripherals consumers
About: A consumer website like HPShopping.com requires visual consistency to drive brand cohesion in the promotional activity. Shown are product centric banner ads winning click through to purchase opportunities. Traffic patterns and revenue streams were evaluated on a weekly basis. These promotional cycles were short and critical.


Banner Advertising
Audience: Computer and peripherals consumers
About: The ongoing generation of banner ad campaigns and programs was key in driving traffic to HPShopping.com. Every week there were promotional “tiles” to be created and added to the site or to be distributed to partner sites for co-marketing programs. The designs needed to be specific yet flexible and on target. The promotions had to be structured for mixing and matching tiles for the various sales objectives and campaigns. Promotional performance was measured and reviewed weekly and usually exceeded sales expectations.


Banner Advertising, eNews and Subscription Landing Pages
Audience: Prospective and current customers
About: Macrovision manufactures copy protection systems for protecting DVD, VOD (video on demand), PPV (pay per view) and other formats. Website, partner and co-marketing kits called for a variety of banner ads for Macrovision. The ads linked to a subscription landing page for “New Release News” and associated forms.


Product Advertising, Direct Mail, Landing Page and Sweepstakes
Audience: Small and medium businesses
About: This integrated program utilized print advertising, landing pages, direct mail and sweepstakes to fortify sales to small and medium business owners and system administrators. Once the visitors registered they gained access to information downloads as well as sweepstake participation. Qualified leads were immediately distributed to the Reseller channel for follow up.


Direct Mail & Sweepstakes Landing Page
Audience: Small and medium businesses
About: The small and medium business market is important to HP. This campaign focused on eServices for business owners who looked to boost productivity. “Marge” was created as a persona to whom small business could relate. The “How to get more out of Marge” campaign spoke to the issue of employee empowerment through technology. This integrated program utilized print advertising, direct mail and email to guide prospects to a landing page. Once the visitors registered they gained access to information downloads and sweepstake participation. Qualified leads were immediately distributed to resellers for follow up.


Builder’s Club Landing Page, eNews and Southern Lumber Monthly eNews
Audience: Professional builders and DIY consumers
About: Southern Lumber customers consistently visit the Southern Lumber website from the SLC monthly eNews which offers exclusive savings to online customers. The branding, website design and development included Southern Lumber Builders Club, which is a sub-brand driven through the website and monthly email promotions. The launch of Builder’s Club created an opportunity to reach out to professional builders with benefits such as additional eNews, events and special promotions. Customers can sign up online while checking the website for late breaking promotions, downloading shopping guides or project guides. Builders Club is a discount customer program that has become popular with professional builders.